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Nio Inc. is a Chinese multinational automobile manufacturer headquartered in Shanghai, specializing in designing and developing electric vehicles. The company is known for its development of battery-swapping stations for its vehicles, as an alternative to conventional charging stations


There are a total of 3 models of car with various versions of car in them

Model Version 1 Version 2 Version 3
ET et7 et5 -
ES es8 es7 es6
EC ec7 ec6 -

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Price and specs

| Car | O-100 | milage (km) | | ES7 | 4.9s | 580 | | ET7 | 3.8s | 1000 | | ET5 | 4s | 1000| | ES8 | 4.1s| 900| | ES6 | 4.7s | 610 | | EC7 | 3.8s | 940 | | EC6 | 4.5s | 615 |

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